an employer or training provider). Sie möchten Englisch lernen oder lehren, eine Prüfung ablegen oder in Großbritannien studieren? Which skills you will be tested in depends on the organisation which asks you to take the test (e.g.

Listen to a morning briefing to practise and improve your listening skills. This workshop focuses on developing listening skills in the language classroom. If you want help planning your lessons, you've come to the right place!

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If you want to learn English while having fun, this free website is just for you. Work, learn and live in other countries by taking the IELTS test with the British Council.

IELTS is the world’s most popular English language test.

TeachingEnglish is brought to you by the British Council, the world's English teaching experts.

Book your test today. It also incorporates a grammar and vocabulary test. LearnEnglish Teens can help improve your English with reading, writing and listening practice, tips for exams, grammar and vocabulary exercises, games and videos. We have hundreds of high-quality resources to help you in the classroom as well as articles, videos, publications and courses to help you with your continuing professional development as a teacher or teacher educator. LearnEnglish Teens is brought to you by the British Council, the world's English teaching experts.

Aptis can assess your English level in all four language skills – speaking, writing, reading and listening. Wir vernetzen Menschen weltweit durch Bildungsangebote und kreative Impulse aus Großbritannien.

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