I get an error saying the block editor requires javascript but I already have this enabled. There are options for setting the type of HTML tag it outputs as well as a variety of other settings. JavaScript is a programming language that runs not on your server but on the user’s browser. This example allows you to add your own custom CSS class name to any core block type.

Extending the Block Editor Edit. “The block editor requires JavaScript. wp.blocks.registerBlockStyle( 'core/quote', { name: 'fancy-quote', label: 'Fancy Quote', } );

In Deinem Blog kannst Du auch andere Versionen von jQuery einbinden. Not everyone is a fan of the new editor and not every type of content will benefit from using it. If you are writing your own JavaScript, you have access to your work within the WordPress editor, where WordPress shows you a list of your files.

Replace the existing console.log() code in your myguten.js file with:.

For this example, call it myguten-plugin..

Plugins Background Edit. This adds an admin notice informing the user that JavaScript is required for the new block editor.

When i try to edit a… The WordPress Plugin Basics documentation provides details on building a plugin.. Can anyone help.

Let’s start off with the simplest way to edit WordPress HTML – accessing the source code for individual WordPress posts, pages, or other post types. This only happened today. Contribute automated test results from your hosting environment, … Let’s look at using the Block Style Variation example to extend the editor.

By default, WordPress does not let you add code directly in your posts. The primary means of extending WordPress is the plugin. Die Gutenberg-Fibel ist …

But, it is easy to disable it in favour of old (or Classic) editor. Mit Erscheinen der WordPress Version 5.0 im Dezember 2018 hat ein neues Zeitalter für die Erstellung von Inhalten begonnen.
Check out local times at make/meetings. Inside this new directory, create a file called myguten-plugin.php. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings, or try the Classic Editor plugin.” Also the site health tool says: “The Site Health check requires JavaScript.” I can use the Classic Editor right now only which is not the one I want to use. Hi, I Googled this issue and they told me that it should be solved after updating WordPress in januari. Come join us! Du kannst auch die JavaScript-Datei im Theme-Editor sichtbar machen. Der Block-Editor wurde standardmäßig in WordPress integriert. Currently, when viewing the block editor with JavaScript disabled, the user sees a blank admin page with the admin menu sidebar. Opened a page in the block editor, getting an error message saying that Block Editor requires Javascript.

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