Vue VSCode Extension Pack. VSCode for Vue 配置(Vue + prettier + ESLint) 安装插件 prettier 代码格式化工具. eslint 的使用 Extensions Included I'm using VSCode and TypeScript classes for Vue 2 component development. A collection of extensions for working with Vue Applications in VS Code. Forum Vue JSDoc in .vue files in VSCode. Signature Help jsdoc是前端自动生成文档所常用的工具。我们只要按照jsdoc的语法来书写注释就能顺利的生成一片很漂亮的文档。 只是jsdoc针对的是js文件,对于.vue文件似乎就有些无能为力了。不过既然vue这么人气,相信一定也会有相应的工具。在找了一圈之后,果然找到了 Has anybody been able to get the built in JSDoc working in .vue files in VSCode? Hover over a JavaScript symbol to quickly see its type information and relevant documentation. See: vuejs/vue-class-component. 利用 VSCode、JSDoc、d.ts 让你的代码更健壮 发表于 2018-07-24 分类于 技术 阅读次数: 但当项目越来越大,周期越来越长,弱类型反而会使得开发成本变高,利用 JSDoc + VS Code 可以一定程度上解决 … These are some of my favorite extensions to make Vue application development easier and fun. Now go back to the src/App.vue file and press ctrl+alt+f on Windows or ctrl+shift+i on Linux or ctrl+options+f on Mac OS to perform the formatting of the code. The ⌘K ⌘I (Windows, Linux Ctrl+K Ctrl+I) keyboard shortcut shows this hover info at the current cursor position. To disable JSDoc comment suggestions, set "javascript.suggest.completeJSDocs": false. Reply Follow All Threads Popular This Week Popular All Time Solved Unsolved No Replies Yet ... Vue JSDoc in .vue files in VSCode Posted 2 years ago by phegman. – Eyal Solnik Apr 30 at 2:20 Hover Information.

In my current project I use plugins like vue-i18n for translations of labels etc. @DucVuNguyen This seems to be unrelated to this issue, Vetur is the engine (extension) that provides the Vue experience in Visual Studio Code and this issue relates to Vetur specifically, I'm not sure what doesn't work for you but you might to report it to the Visual Studio team directly within VS2019 using the report feature. 安装后格式化代码(alt + shift + f)的同时也可以自动修复小问题。配置文档:官方文档 配置方式: VSCode 全局配置:settings.json 项目特殊配置: 项目目录下创建 .prettierrc; 常用配置项: With this configuration, VSCode will perform validation for these three file types: vue, HTML and JavaScript. 1、项目根目录添加jsdoc-vue.js var compiler = require('vue-template-compiler'); exports.handlers = { // 利用 vue-template-compiler 编译 vue 下载并安装 vscode 的 Prettier - Code formatter 插件。在 vscode 配置文件 setting.json 中增加如下配置,设置 JavaScript 语言的默认格式化程序为 prettier,然后使用 Ctrl+Alt+L即可格式化文件。 "[javascript]": {"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"}, 其他的语言设置类似. JSDoc是一个根据javascript文件中注释信息,生成JavaScript应用程序或库、模块的API文档 的工具。使开发者很容易了解整个类和其中的属性和方法,并且快速知道如何使用,从而提高开发效率,降低维护成 …

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