The NOT IN query, before we inserted a NULL into @someword, and both the NOT EXISTS queries, all tell us correctly that 60385 words are not in our table variable, because three are, and there are 60388 common words in all. Listing comments has not become so widespread for some reason, despite the availability of the WP_Comment_Query class.. WP_Comment_Query allows theme and plugin authors to retireve post comments using a … When writing complex queries you should definitely use db_query() instead of db_select().. You can't write a NOT IN clause with a subquery with the current Drupal database API (it's a know issue being worked out). That's why for NOT IN queries PostgreSQL uses a special access method called hashed Subplan:. If this is used in the same query as post__in, it will be ignored. Ever since WordPress implemented custom post types a whiles back, the use of WP_Query to retrieve posts based on custom criteria has become standard practice. post_name__in (array) - use post slugs. Specify posts to retrieve. Specify post NOT to retrieve. ; If you don't need your query to be dynamic (hence rewritten by others modules), don't bother trying to write such a complex one with db_select().

WordPress get_posts is a powerful function allowing developers to retrieve pieces of content from the WordPress database.You can specify in the finest detail which posts, pages, and custom post types you’re looking for, get your custom result set, then filter and order the items like a PHP/MySQL ninja. If you specify an array of post IDs for the post not_in parameter when doing a custom query using a WP_Query object, the posts will still be returned if they are sticky..

NOT IN, as we discussed earlier, is a special case due to the way it treats NULL values in the list.. Unfortunately, PostgreSQL's optimizer cannot use the fact that t_right.value is defined as NOT NULL and therefore the list can return no NULL values. post__not_in (array) - use post ids. While you can make WordPress posts password protected or private, in some cases you may simply want to hide the post from your homepage while still allowing others to view it if they have the direct link.. The only way to avoid this is to also include the caller_get_posts=1 parameter, which stops the sticky posts appearing at the top of the post list, thus losing some of the sticky functionality. Have you ever wanted to hide a blog post from your WordPress homepage or blog archive page? However, if the subquery can return a NULL, then NOT IN returns no rows at all.

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