How does one get the definition of a view? The examples you show are for views and although you don't state this, you seem to be using the SQL tab to see the DDL. select owner from all_objects where object_name='VIEW_NAME' and object_type='VIEW'; From: "Roger Xu" ; To: "Oracle-L@Freelists.Org \(E-mail\)" Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 10:42:17 -0500; How do I get the definition of a view? If you select Tools | Preferences | Database | ObjectViewer, then … Thank you for this code snippet, which might provide some limited, immediate help. This is why sometimes a view is referred to as a named query. To find which user/schema the view is in use . Luke, You ask us one question, but display examples of something different. This statement shows the CREATE VIEW statement that creates the named view.. mysql> SHOW CREATE VIEW v\G ***** 1. row ***** View: v Create View: CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`bob`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v` AS select 1 AS `a`,2 AS `b` character_set_client: utf8 collation_connection: utf8_general_ci This view does not display the OWNER column. ORA-00942: table or view does not exist SPPARAMETERS [parameter_name] As for SHOW PARAMETERS except that SHOW SPPARAMETERS displays current values for initialization parameters for all instances. – iBug Jan 16 '18 at 14:59 Re: View Definition CKLP Mar 29, 2011 5:54 AM ( in response to 700193 ) Hi sahjalkdas, Which tool r u using?Toad,SQL tools,plsql developer. You can use a string after the command to see a subset of parameters whose names include that string. set long 10000; select TEXT FROM DBA_VIEWS where OWNER = '' 4 and VIEW_NAME = '' ; Select all Open in new window Shaju Kumbalath Deputy General Manager - … ALL_VIEWS describes the views accessible to the current user.. Related Views. ALL_VIEWS. We excluded common Oracle schemas for you to be able to see user objects only, but we … Purpose. The OR REPLACE option replaces the definition of existing view. To create a new view in a database, you use the following Oracle CREATE VIEW statement: CREATE [OR REPLACE] VIEW view_name [(column_aliases)] AS defining-query [WITH READ ONLY] [WITH CHECK OPTION] OR REPLACE. I used the following SQL but not getting all definition text - I know something needs to be done on the format of long type. Use the CREATE VIEW statement to define a view, which is a logical table based on one or more tables or views.A view contains no data itself.

Excluding standard Oracle schemas. DBA_VIEWS describes all views in the database.. USER_VIEWS describes the views owned by the current user. This is a list of handy SQL queries to the Oracle database data dictionary. So by definition, a view is a “virtual” table whose data is the result of a stored query, which is derived each time when you query against the view. When you want to show a canvas, does that canvas happen to cover the item your cursor is in? Or better yet, Click on the view in the left connections pane in SQLDeveloper. Before show_canvas or hide_canvas, make sure your cursor is in a field that will be displayed when showing/hiding the canvas in question. CREATE VIEW . A proper explanation would greatly improve its long-term value by showing why this is a good solution to the problem, and would make it more useful to future readers with other, similar questions. If you give this query a name, then you have a view. It is handy if you have granted various privileges on the view. Prior Oracle 12c. Same problem as before. SHOW CREATE VIEW view_name. Use go_item, then show_view/hide_view, to be certain the canvas will hide/show. You can also find many more useful queries here. The view of this can be controlled, by parameters sent to the DBMS_METADATA package, which we access to return the DDL. Once the view opens click on the SQL Tab to see the underlying SQL on it. Please edit your answer to add some explanation, including the assumptions you've made.

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