I just forgot. Characters. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. On My Mind Dennis Friedman | January 10, 2020 LIKE OTHER writers for this site, I blog often about what’s happening in my own life—my financial mistakes , early retirement , health scares I’ve had, my mother’s death and more.

"in my mind" suggests "in my imagination". _____ "on my mind" suggests "worrying me", "distracting me". It is often put as have something on one's mind (or the brain) meaning "be preoccupied with something," as in I didn't mean to be rude; I just have a lot on my mind right now, or John has nothing but girls on the brain. Annie On My Mind is a 1982 novel by Nancy Garden about the romantic relationship between two 17-year-old New York City girls, Annie and Liza. On My Mind: Goodbye, RNC.

"Alabaster" kicks off Kingdom in My Mind, the Wood Brothers' eighth studio album, with a slow, thick groove, its swampiness a reflection of how the album originated from a series of studio jams. It represents his opinion, not the opinion of WFAE. The band didn't enter the studio with the intent of recording a new album, but they were taken with the results of their recording, so brothers Chris and Oliver Wood shaped the improvisations into songs. ①、on my mind. Tommy Tomlinson’s On My Mind column runs every Monday on WFAE and WFAE.org. 整整一个星期,我都在为这次比赛紧绷着一根弦。 This lesson will be engraved on my mind. For example, The book prize has been on my mind, but I haven't been able to discuss it with you.It is often put as have something on one's mind (or the brain) meaning "be preoccupied with something," as in I didn't mean to be rude; I just have a lot on my mind right now, or John has nothing but girls on the brain. in my mind只是字面意义的表达:“我记着呢”的意思。 3、例句. [Mid-1800s] See also: mind, on. Also, on the brain.In one's thoughts, preoccupying one. 我完全忘了,我脑子里的事太多了。 This game has been on my mind all week . On My Mind. Also very common: I can just see it in my mind's eye. Suppose someone describes their vacation home on a tropical island -- a home that you have never seen. Lyrics to 'In My Mind' by Dynoro: In my mind, in my head This is where we all came from The dreams we have, the love we share This is what we're waiting for I've had a lot on my mind. You can respond like this: I can just see it in my mind.

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