Learn more PHP MYSQL QUERY ORDER BY desc problem

To sort by descending order, the keyword DESC … When this attribute is omitted from the ORDER BY clause, the sort order is defaulted to ASC or ascending order. bradgrafelman. In this tutorial you will learn how to sort and display the data from a MySQL table in ascending or descending order using PHP.

This is how you can use order by clause in MySQL: Select * from table_name.

Channel5. Hi, Can anyone tell me how to do an mysql query, ordered alphabetically? Description: MySQL pays no attention to the DESC in the ORDER BY if you order by the primary key and also include a simple equals where condition on an indexed column.

Yes, MySQL can use an index on the columns in the ORDER BY (under certain conditions). A descending index is an index that stores key values in the descending order. The ORDER BY command sorts the result set in ascending order by default. When using quotes the DB thinks you want to sort by the static string 'news_id' which is not sorting at all since it … When you select rows, the MySQL server is free to return them in any order, unless you instruct it otherwise by saying how to sort the result. The following SQL statement selects all the columns from the "Customers" table, sorted by the "CustomerName" column: For example: SELECT city FROM customers WHERE customer_name = 'Apple' ORDER BY city;

The query to create a table is as follows − mysql> create table SortByDateAndTime -> ( -> UserId int, -> UserName varchar(100), -> IssueDate date, -> IssueTime time -> ); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.60 sec) Ordering the Result Set .

Order by some_column_in_table. In the meantime, MySQL could scan the index in reverse order but it comes at a high cost. Our table will contain records from our MySQL database, the HTML table headers will be clickable so the user can toggle if they want to either sort by ascending or descending (lowest or highest). MySQL Order by example Thanks. Let us create a table to sort date and time in ascending order. Before MySQL 8.0, you can specify the DESC in an index definition. ORDER BY. Channel5.

Ordering the Result Set. MySQL ORDER BY clause sort data in ascending order and it is the default sort order. For DESC, you have to mention it in your SELECT query.

Essentially, you just add an 'ORDER BY' clause to sort the column in ASCending order. Order by MySQL syntax.

The ORDER BY clause can be used in conjugation with the SELECT statement to see the data from a table ordered by a specific field. To sort in reverse (descending) order, add the DESC keyword to the name of the column you are sorting by: MySQL ORDER BY Clause Examples. The default sort order is ascending, with smallest values first.

To sort the records in descending order, use the DESC keyword..

But, you sort a result set by adding an ORDER BY clause that names the column or columns which you want to sort. To sort rows of a result set in descending order of values in a column, use the syntax of the following SQL Query.

You can force a case-sensitive sort for a column by using BINARY like so: ORDER BY BINARY col_name.

PHP MySQL ORDER BY Clause. To sort results by descending order use DESC keyword. A descending index is an index that stores key values in the descending order. However, MySQL cannot use an index for mixed ASC,DESC order by (SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY bar ASC, pants DESC).Sharing your query and CREATE TABLE statement would help us answer your question more specifically. I took a look at the manuel, but I'm still unsure how I would code the ORDER BY. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Where col1=val1, col2=val2.

Introduction to MySQL descending index. See the MySQL manual page for Sorting Rows. The ORDER BY command is used to sort the result set in ascending or descending order.. In this tutorial you will learn how to sort and display the data from a MySQL table in ascending or descending order using PHP.

mysql > SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY column_name DESC ; The character set of the column is considered while sorting the column values in descending order. However, MySQL ignored it.

Please note that you can even specify an expression with the ORDER BY in MySQL. For this tutorial, we will sort table columns with HTML, PHP, and MySQL. You can use an ORDER BY clause in a SELECT statement, SELECT LIMIT or DELETE LIMIT statement. This section describes when MySQL can use an index to satisfy an ORDER BY clause, the filesort operation used when an index cannot be used, and execution plan information available from the optimizer about ORDER BY.. An ORDER BY with and without LIMIT may return rows in different orders, as discussed in Section, “LIMIT Query Optimization”. In the meantime, MySQL could scan the index in reverse order but it comes at a high cost. However, MySQL ignored it. Example - Sorting without using ASC/DESC attribute.

MySQL: Alphabetical Order?

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